Membership Overview
Branch associate members are bank branches located in Illinois that are owned by out-of-state community banks deemed eligible for membership by their respective state community banking association and the CBAI Board of Directors.
Branch associate members may access our regularly maintained membership list, and are afforded access to and member pricing for educational seminars, meeting attendance (including our Convention, Career Development Division Conferences, Tech Conference and Group Meetings), plus advertising. They also receive Banknotes, our bi-monthly magazine, and a copy of the Illinois Financial Institutions Directory & Fact Book. CBAI members receive bi-annual Associate Member Directory in which associate member firms are listed, and associate members also receive complimentary listings on our web site and in the Illinois Financial Institutions Directory & Fact Book (they may purchase display advertising in it at special, lower pricing).
Branch associate member dues are based on the branch’s deposits times a factor of 1.2, with an $1,300/year minimum, assessed semi-annually, prorated from December 1, and follow the sames dues schedule as an active bank member. The CBAI Board of Directors has final approval on all membership applications.
Illinois bank branches owned by out-of-state community banks that are deemed to be eligible for membership by their respective state community banking associations.
How to Apply
To learn more and apply for Branch Associate Membership, or if you have any questions, please contact the
Valerie Johnston, SVP of Communications & Membership, at 217/529-2265 or 800/736-2224.