Membership Overview
CBAI represents Illinois community banks and thrifts as its only constituency. The CBAI board of directors has established criteria for both financial institution members and associate member firms and welcomes all inquiries.
How to Apply
Illinois-chartered banks, savings & loans, savings banks, and trust companies that support the purposes of CBAI as described in Article 2 of the CBAI Constitution are eligible for active membership subject to meeting certain criteria established by the CBAI Board of Directors.
Dues are assessed on a regular schedule and based on total assets.
Active members have full voting privileges (ballots, constitutional amendments, elections of officers). Its officers may serve in leadership and/or committees, may attend conventions and educational seminars at member rates. Member institutions can participate in special services at member rates.
To apply for active membership, contact the CBAI Department of Communications at 217/529-2265 or 800/736-2224 or