About the SHAZAM®, Kasasa and CBSC Scholarships
The SHAZAM®, Kasasa, and CBSC Scholarships are sponsored by the SHAZAM, Kasasa, and Community BancService Corporation (CBSC). Scholarships are $1,000 per year for up to four years of higher education. SHAZAM has been a preferred service provider of CBSC since 2000 and is governed by a board that includes community bankers. Its product/service menu includes: ATM processing, ATM and debit-card products, card-authorization services, merchant processing, ACH services, and information-security solutions. Kasasa has been a preferred service provider of CBSC since 2006. Kasasa is a leading provider of innovative products, world-class marketing, and data-driven consulting solutions to community financial institutions across the U.S. Kasasa products are designed to deliver controlled new account growth, higher profitability, and increased customer retention. Both firms have proven to be a valuable supporter of CBAI, its subsidiaries, and its members including Community BancPac contributions, Convention exhibiting, sponsorships, and advertising. CBSC is the business-services affiliate of CBAI. The Foundation is deeply gratified by this latest, and most impressive, show of support.
Eligible Banks
CBAI member banks contributing or pledging a cumulative minimum of $2,500 to the Foundation.
Eligible Students
The children and grandchildren of eligible CBAI-member bank employees, directors, and officers and part-time bank employees who are entering their freshman year of undergraduate school or post-high school trade school as full-time students.
A bank can submit one student's name on a scale commensurate with its donations to the Foundation. Contributions are cumulative and applied from the establishment of the Foundation.
Students' names are put into a drawing to take place during the CBAI Annual Convention. Representatives of the sponsoring bank need not be present to win. Deadline for submission is August 15 each year.
For a nomination form, please contact the
Department of Communications at 217/529-2265 or 800/736-2224.