CBAI holds educational forums every other day of the week on average (more than 150 training business days).

  • One-Day Seminars cover current topics for bankers' continuing education.
  • The Community Bankers for Compliance Program (CBC) combines quarterly meetings with a monthly newsletter and telephone access to compliance experts for a valuable banking tool.
  • The Community Bankers Lending Series consists of one-day seminars, as well as consumer agricultural, residential real estate, and consumer lending institutes.
  • The Community Bankers School provides intensive training and honing of skills for today's competitive banker.
  • Exclusively for CBAI members, the CEO Forums provide six groups of no more than 12 non-competing CEOs an opportunity to exchange ideas and discuss important issues with peers.
  • Getting the Most from Your Internal Audit Function features three one-day seminars about audit issues, and techniques for maintaining an effective in-house program.
  • CBAI provides 15 hours of continuing education for renewal of insurance licenses, semi-annually. Programs are certified by the State of Illinois Department of Insurance.
    Career Development Division (CDD) looks to the future of community banking through education and peer group interaction for career-aspiring CBAI members.
  • IRA Training Workshops, co-sponsored by CBAI and , cover all aspects of IRAs, from opening the account, to rollovers and distribution.
  • 300 professionally-produced webinars all facets of banking at significant discounts to CBAI members.


901 Community Drive 
Springfield, IL 62703
Email CBAI Education &
Special Events Team


Education & Special Events Team:


    Tina Wilder
    Education & Special Events Administrative Assistant